Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Keeping safe

So Grace and I have a nightly ritual. We read a book, turn off the light, talk about the day, things for tomorrow, briefly, then I lay with her quietly for a few minutes. The perks of only having one child. So during our quiet time, especially during days when she's missed me during the day, she asks to hold my hand during our quiet time.
What that means is, she has me lay my hand on her tummy, and then she lays her hand on my arm. She's been doing this off and on for several months, but last night was the first time I asked her why she did this.
Me: I love you, Milly. (my nickname for her - silly milly baby girl - reduced to milly)
Grace: I love you too, Mommy.
Me: Just three minutes, okay?
Grace: Okay. Mommy, can I hold you?
Me: Sure. Why do you do this?
Grace: To keep you safe.
No pauses, not a thought except the truth. And safely kept am I.

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